introduction introduction
Transformers movement from Damietta to Apapa, Nigeria
First Global Logistics, Egypt moved oversized transformers of 104.5 Tons from EXW Egypt to Nigeria
Movement of 7 pcs of CSS 1500KVA + the outdoor LV Switchgear for a time critical project from Egypt to Nigeria of a total GW: 104.5 Tons / Total CBM: 493.11

Scope of business
- Primary plan made by factory was based on oversized dismantled transformers.
- After various studies & cargo survey on the commodity type , dimensions , center of gravity , our project team reverted with the following solution :
- Re-planning the loading of the whole dismantled transformers to ONLY (1x40’HC + 5x40’FR OOG) with reduced OW/OH by switching some units with others to fit into the following dimensions
- We offered 3 different proposals to Apapa / Onne & Tin Can ports respectively
Scope of Work :
- Shipment ended up being nominated to Apapa port after getting the approvals from Apapa terminal to handle special equipment
- FGL project team in collaboration with the shipper made the packing plan for the dismantled units inside wooden crates with OW/OH
- Movement of folded flat rack Empties from Damietta port to the shipper’s loading place directly to save round trip cost
- Movement of flatbed trailers to the loading place directly
- Loading flat rack empties onto the low bed trailers
- Road permits approvals
- Customs Formalities / Port Entry Handling / Ocean Freight Handling
- Shipment was moved on time and delivered safely to the client in Apapa port before the deadline with utmost client satisfaction